An Upcoming Western Game

Hello everyone! I wanted to introduce my Upcoming Western game to anyone interested in its Development or to anyone who has feedback for it.

The game is titled Westland and is based in Colorado in the year 1899 to allow some more length to updates and additions to the game such as weapons. The main goal for this game was to create an experience somewhat like Red Dead Redemption 2 but on Roblox, except much less extreme graphics and a somewhat smaller size, but the same kind of experience.

Another goal of ours is to make the game feel less grindy, like a lot of Roblox games, and more of a realistic progression through the game. One way we are doing this is by making the game feel more spaced out, since it is open world this is a simple task to do, but very important to do it right.

As a Former Developer for some games on Steam, I decided to start a game on Roblox because of its simplicity when making an open world game. Although I still am working on some games through the Unity Game Engine.

Our Development Team for Westland consists of myself, 3 modelers, and a scripter. I am very satisfied with the team and trust them to deliver quality work.

If you are interested in the project and want to know more… feel free to join our Discord server, where there is more information on the game and also some sneak peeks to the current development.

As well as feeling free to donate through Ozone Hub!

Some pictures of current Development:


Wow looks amazing, wish you the best of luck finishing it :slight_smile:


Thanks man! Appreciate every bit of it!

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This looks so nice, How long have you worked on this for?

It’s already looking good! What features will the game have?

Wow! This looks awesome. Love the progress!

So far about 6 months, most of it was planning but we still made sure to make physical progress as you can see in the images

Mostly normal western game stuff, but we really want to add something like the roles in Red Dead 2 with progression and a story to each “role”. We also want to have a story that really impacts the game in a big way, instead of just having lore around the map hidden as easter eggs, we want something that will effect the game and change the players playing experience everytime you play the game to add something new.

I said this in the main post but we are big on not having a game that is pay to win and a game that is not grindy feeling, something that allows the player to progress like they would in real life during those times.

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Thanks so much! Really good to have things like this said, really helps us!

Please complete it and show it to me

That is definitely the goal to complete it