Analytics Home: View Avatar Item Analytics and Monitor Experiences Across Groups and Your Account

What about adding analytics for plugin sales?
It is currently very cumbersome to get the stats on plugin sales.

Thanks for the suggestion. We are investigating on how to better provide revenue breakdown like original sale vs resale and others. Stay tuned!

Hey -

Just so I understand, is this because you need models to be under the same account, and Groups cannot directly purchase models, or do you have other reasons?

Yes. Due to how model permissions work when inserting them into an experience via InsertService, we need the game to be owned by a roblox account (not a group) that can purchase and own models which hinders our ability to view analytics about the game due to the nature of TeamCreate experiences.

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This is super helpful insight, thanks. I’ll discuss internally with the team, there are 2 threads we’re working on internally that could help out here.

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How about group sales? Does it show UGC items uploaded from a group?

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Yes. You just need to switch your view in Creator Dashboard to the group and it should show sales for avatar items from the group

Still can’t see visit counts over a timescale or see accurate unique users. Please do something and fix your website and actually make good updates for once. I want to see how many visits we got in the past 7 days or 30 days, etc.

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