Analytics: New User First Session Retention & New and Returning Users

Question: How can we be assured this accurately tracks the retention of a returning user?

I ask because I have tried to “like” games that I have played in the past but forgot to like, and it would tell me that I would need to play the experience before I can like it - even though I have played the experience in the past. Maybe the systems weren’t entirely in place to track my return to the game, until now, but I am just curious.

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Hey! Yes, we have a team actively investigating this. No clear ETA yet, but it is a high priority for us to do it right :slight_smile:

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Colony Survival :smiley:


My game is not very successful but it has great engagement, to the tune of 17 minutes session time avg.


The only changed I noticed recently was the fact that Portal Ads are entirely botted, leading to catastrophic effect to those using it.

Are you able to please bring back raw visits stats? That was most effective for me to be able to view the total daily, monthly visits out right without looking through a chart. Bringing that back would make it easier for most developers.