Analytics: Real Time Error Reports and Client Metrics (Crash Rates, Frame Rates, and Memory Usage)

What means it

And if I go to tab 3 it happens in tab2 are not so much things


This is amazing! Thank you Roblox. This feature will help identify bugs (& why they are happening) in a much simpler way.

Fun fact: about 1 week ago I was thinking about a feature like this, so today that I saw the release of this powerful tool it felt like a dream!

Keep it up Roblox :+1:


This is a great feature to get an understanding of what’s going on performance wise in-game, I love it! I have a bit of feedback though:

  1. Insights into this information would be great. Ex: “Your crash rate is higher than other games with this memory usage”
  2. A breakdown of crashes by reason. A while ago, robox staff was able to tell us that RoCitizens’ crashes were mainly from “out of memory”. We are unsure about the main reason our users crash, so it would help us make informed decisions about areas to focus on. Should we strive to improve memory? Should we focus on other potential crashes? Any additional information in this realm would be fantastic.

It’s Adonis… it’s not CoreScripts. You’ve used admin before?

Anyways, about the issue with errors from other games showing, it’s potentially a security risk for those game owners, but I don’t see anybody erroring confidential info in their console.

It could still show the location of important server scripts, and let exploiters view server errors in the game they’re hacking. That could give them insight in the anticheat or how they can find loopholes in remote calls to exploit the systems.

So, try to fix it as soon as possible!


I made a script that created a separate thread, which ran a function that intentionally displayed an error, then did this ten times with two different messages.

When I checked the error log on the website, neither error was included there. This means that no, exploiters can’t abuse the error function to manipulate an experience’s error info, which is good. I’m assuming the “warn” function wouldn’t do any better, either.


Unless I’m missing it, there is no way to know which place generates the error. That’s kind of key to knowing where to go looking to fix it.


I love these features.

Can you tell us whether getting AFK kicked counts as a crash or not?
My small game is having crazy high crash rates despite the fact no one has complained to me about crashes, and the like ratio has been slowly cimbing for many months. I brought it up to my community and their answer was AFK kicked counting as crashes because a fair few players AFK grind my game.


I like this so far, but it doesn’t quite suit what I need. One of my games has been having an issue with the server (not clients) crashing, with no apparent rhyme or reason, and nothing in the console anything unusual ingame before it happens. I’ve spent pretty much this whole year pouring over the codebase of multiple versions of it and found nothing. I hope this page on the website gets additional features that could help narrow that down, as currently I’ve got nothing.


Great update, but it seems when browsing specific filters and flipping between the pages, this feature seems to bug out quite bad.

(also the experience does have data, and it said it had more to show with the numbers located at the bottom right, but it seems to just loop load constantly.)

Edit 2: I also just noticed that it takes the page arrows away, preventing you from accessing the data that was viewable. You’d have to refresh the page to view the analytics again which is not great if you’re really trying to get into the data.


Hey Sio_Fi, thanks for bringing this to our attention.
Would you please link either the roblox experience, or the analytics url (which includes the universeId) so we can look into it?

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edit: (exploiter got into a remote event the errors are to warn that the values are incorrect and will halt the script.)

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Great news, being able to see the FPS and Crash rate of our players will be very good to know where to focus our efforts, and now being able to see the errors in real time in Analytics will be incredible.

These additions in Analytics were increible good work roblox

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Okay I’ve encountered a few minor issues. On infinite yields it does not show us any traceback. As well, any errors that aren’t in the player (ie in the character) won’t be grouped together so there’s an individual warn for each player.


One more thing, is it possible some warnings (such as humanoid::ApplyDescription, some assets were removed as …, asset delivery issues) could be omitted as they aren’t something the dev can (within reason) control?


Hi cody:
Thanks for reporting this. do you mind telling us which experience yours is so we can take a look at the dashboard?
For infinite yield, they happen due to Timeout so there is no additional trace we could provide.
What do you mean errors are in the player? Could you provide some example?
Also we are working on some improvements to see if we could remove some errors/warnings that do not come from creator’s side.



Here’s a link:

So for errors in the player, I mean like usually the player’s name gets substituted out for when the error is from a script that is a descendant of the player. For example if you look here, when the error comes from a script inside of the PlayerGui, it says ‘Players.<Player>.PlayerGui…’, this is what I expect to happen:

However, when the error is produced from a script inside of the character (the physical model in the workspace), the person’s username is not substituted with <Player> and is instead literally just their username:

The reason this is problematic is because it gets identified as a unique error so they are not all grouped together which makes it very tedious to navigate different errors:

I believe those errors should all be grouped into one since they all come from the same script. If the username was swapped out with <Player> I believe they’d all get grouped together so there are no duplicates.

Although it may be worth noting that we technically have a custom character, so I am unsure if that is the cause of the issue.


This is one of the best changes I have seen in a while. It’s typically difficult to pinpoint errors based on what players say is happening. I hope in the future I can sort through the server and client.


This is truly truly a phenomenal update. Like, no one can complain about this, it only makes things better and easier. Good work. I do wish there was a way to group edit the data of people who were affected by a bug, so that that chunk of people doesn’t have that corruption on their account, and you wouldn’t have to have a script at the beginning that checks for it permanently within the game.


This is a amazing update makes finding bugs so much easier than asking for people to send screenshots of F9


Great step forward. Please add custom analytics for developers to collect as well :pray:t2:I think we all want this


Awesome feature! I’m sure debugging will be so much easi-

Ouh… I’m sure this will find use for some, but definitely not me without proper searching & filtering. :smile: