Anamorphic Illusion|Superliminal based Illusion (really need professional help)

So i need help with a Illusion for a game im currently making.

I want to achieve this:
(the original video here)

Its from a game called Superliminal. (Many thanks to Punish who made the video)
Its called a “Anamorphic Illusion”.

Here is how it works:

  • technically it lies flat on the ground
  • comes alive when you line up the camera in the right position

This is what i have:

The obj (object) is not there yet. For now im
going to use a Part. Like this:

The grey part (obj) is for now the cube from the Superliminal Gameplay video.

My questions are:

  • How can i make it that it looks flat on the surface (on the blue parts)
  • How can I make it spawn when I look at it from a certain direction (the gray part)

To make it look flat you can use decals / textures and to make it spawn you can check the players camera cframe and if it’s about the same to the cframe you would need to look at then you spawn it

that would look bad if i use textures… is there a way i could do it like this?

Yeah I was looking for this exact channel to maybe show this but idek how it works and I didn’t see a tutorial. He might’ve made his own rendering engine for this but if you work it out you could make it

ppl in his comments say its done with view port frames… i dont know how they work im going to watch a tutorial for view port frames.

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Yeah that’d make sense. I’m guessing that the camera in the viewportframe has the same cframe as the camera in the workspace for that moving effect but idk how they could pause it.

i found the Game. The guy who made it is called @OutOfDinos.

And it works!

Its a bit pixelated but thats not a porblem…

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I watched some tutorial’s on how to work with view port frames, but i still cant think how he made it that it looks flat…

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tried to make something like this
test.rbxl (82.7 KB)
basically has a viewportframe with a worldmodel and a sofa in the worldmodel.
looks wierd but i think that it might go something like this

that would work but it moves…
and it needs to stay at one position

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I tryed to line up the viewportframe

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the game would be full of SurfaceGui’s in the startergui… there must be a easyer way to do it…

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