Anamorphic Lens Flare effect

I got bored… and this was born.

Yes, you could sortof say I’m back again.


Is the lens flare blocked by objects like parts? Because the thing that in my opinion makes the typical free model lens flares you can find shattered all over tends to be that even though you are indoors, the lens flare is still there.

So if yours isn’t being shown when behind parts and related, then that is pretty noice.


[quote] Is the lens flare blocked by objects like parts? Because the thing that in my opinion makes the typical free model lens flares you can find shattered all over tends to be that even though you are indoors, the lens flare is still there.

So if yours isn’t being shown when behind parts and related, then that is pretty noice.

:slight_smile: [/quote]

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lens flares on roblox are cool regardless though.

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Verryyy nice.
I love lense flares. They add a nice touch of atmosphere.
I made this about a year ago.


Here are my lens flares


That’s some quality lens flare action!

How people make lens flare is beyond me…

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and game.Lighting:GetSunDirection()

I just noticed that you have dirt on the lens. That is so awesome!

Open source pls throws chests of credit

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I tried to access this but the experience is set to private. it would be nice to have this


this is a several year old post so im not surprised. if you want lens flares though, i recently made a lighting system with very realistic flares, just search up “Dynamic Lighting System” in the model store & find the one with my username. hope this helps

thank you so much, that is easily to most realisitic lens flare ive ever seen in roblox