In my game, vehicle spawning is not working right for many players. A player will spawn a car, and as soon as the car is anchored, it falls apart and the player dies a few seconds later. This started happening at around 8:30 pm US ET.
We spawn the cars by moving a copy of an anchored model from ServerStores to Workspace. We then weld the car. After the weld, it is unachored. It’s almost as if the welds aren’t working locally.
The issue does not happen 100% of the time and does not happen for 100% of players. It seems to happen to me in some servers, but not in other servers. It may happen to some players and not others, within the same server. No error logs from scripts.
I have an example where there were two players in a new server. One player was experiencing the issue while the other wasn’t (me). When I spawned a truck, it spawned fine and drive fine (at least one my screen). When the other player spawned a car, half of it fell through the map and he died. When he looked at the truck I spawned, he saw half of the truck floating at the spawn point and a couple parts driving around. Images below.
My view (no problem):
His view:
Our game has not been update for at least a couple days. I am posting this as a bug report because I saw a roblox update (439) occurred right before players started reporting this.