Anchoring HumanoidRootPart disables punching effects of NPC

This is a continuation a recent post:
Punch effect on NPC does not synch right with impact - Help and Feedback / Game Design Support - Developer Forum | Roblox

I have an NPC that punches a bag, and when it hits said bag, it emits a punch effect and plays a punch noise, as seen below

Works fine, but the HumanoidRootPart is unanchored there. As such, it would be easy for players to move the NPC around, when it needs to be static. The solution to this is to anchor the HumanoidRootPart, but then it pretty much disables the effects. The .Touched event connected to the NPC’s hand is no longer functional, as I tested that out in output

How do I fix this?

Maybe use GetPartsInPart:() instead?