Ancient Greek Temple

Hey. I spent roughly an hour just getting a basic frame down for an ancient Greek temple build. This is what I’ve got so far. I’m trying to improve my architecture, and I think I did quite well in this scenario.

Disclaimer: I’ll still be adding to this – when I can be bothered to do so. It’s worth noting that I’m planning on re-doing certain elements of the build such as texture, detail, etc.

Also regarding interior, any ideas on what could be put inside? Not really sure how interiors looked back then/how they were used practically.

Critiques/feedback is welcomed and much appreciated.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


I think it looks amazing! I don’t really have any critiques because i don’t model but i really like this build.

Really nice so far, but you should try adding textures and effects to make it look older (I’m not a modeler)

Looks good for a start! I suggest that you add some more detail to the overhang on the roof. Although it’s harder to see there, it should still be there. If this is going to be some sort of showcase, then I recommend adding a backdrop to the build. Again textures and grime(depending when you want the building set) apart from that it’s pretty nice.