Ancile Inc. | Lore

September 23, 2036.

Due to Vladimir putin’s sudden absence from the Russian government, Sergey, one of the candidates for the next election, took office as the new president of Russia. He pulled Russia away from the UN while threatening to rain down their entire nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile arsenal if they don’t cooperate with his demands. While negotiating with Sergey, US spies managed to disarm half the nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile arsenal, this caused Sergey to panick and launched the nukes and the missiles at random coordinates. Some landed in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the rest made it’s way into the USA and Asia causing fallouts on a global scale. The climates changed drastically and the lifeforms on earth has mutated into things into abnormal beings that are hostile in every way. Amidst the chaos, the Ancile Incorporation rose to power, finding abandoned resources, experimental technologies, prototypes and aiding the residents. However, our lack of knowledge and professional personnel, we recruited scientists, former and current soldiers, special forces, and engineers. Since life out in the surface became inhabitable, so we decided to construct an enormous bunker acting as a refugee camp for any survivors as well as a base of operations, hoping some how or some way we can make life on the surface habaitable.

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