And where I find the best soungs for my story game?

Hello Develupers I tried find very goods soungs for my story game but us very hard find a good music in YouTube google or studio toolbox , só where I find the best soungs for my story game?

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I used to use the toolbox for sounds as roblox has a massive library of free sounds. I make mine now but yeah, I suggest just getting stuff from the Toolbox

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The toolbox is good for music and if that doesn’t work for you then I could make some background music for your game.

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How I make a music? For my game

Yea but you know a good tension music I tried very tension musics in tool box but not is the best

I would play the music and send it to you. Then you upload it to Roblox and put it in your game.

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it would be amazing is a tension music? Tank you

If you make it yourself, FL studio or LMMS can help. But you gotta pay robux to upload them.

I suggest using toolbox audio Made by roblox. That makes sure your game won’t get copyrighted


Umm… I’m not sure what tension music is. I use irl instruments so the ones I play are glock en spiel, drums, and I’m bad at acoustic guitar but I can manage. I’m best at piano but it’s out of tune so I can’t use it rn unless you want the player to feel uneasy. I can also make sounds with things like cardboard and rubber bands but that would only work for some parts of some games.

Don’t need but Will know a tension music like that:

Oh. I’m not that good yet. Your best bet is the toolbox.

But you know a tension music like that? The id or name?

Nope, I don’t normally look through Roblox music.

Okay thanks everyone you superado me that the toolbox is more usuário that I think só this topic elas actually very userfull

There is also ZapSplat which has added a royalty free music section:

As mentioned before you would need to pay Robux to upload it, but I’ve briefly perused it and found it has several tense heavily percussive tracks available like in the example you gave. It’s also great for sound effects. The mp3s are free and you need to pay for the wavs, but the mp3s will be just fine for a video game.