Uh yeah
Yet another GFX Last time people were coplaaining about grain, it was supposed to be there, didn’t add that to this one though
Thanks for feedback if you leave any
Uh yeah
Yet another GFX Last time people were coplaaining about grain, it was supposed to be there, didn’t add that to this one though
Thanks for feedback if you leave any
The GFX looks good.
When did you make the GFX? I’m just curious.
Also, what is your game about?
Sorry if i’m too curious.
Perhaps make some smoke coming out of the back if she’s supposed to be driving, and maybe a slight blur behind her to make it look like she’s moving.
When did I make it? What exactly are you expecting as answer? idk lol
Also it’s just for art, not for a game
Thanks for the tips I’ll definitely use them next time
Me (The complete noob at gfx’s) be like,
This is probably my best one, just to compare the difference in skill. You’re so good at this!
Thank you, I’ll make a tutorial for people like you soon and I’ll share it on the forum
The GFX looks good, I understand that in the GFX you might have chosen nighttime lighting but it needs a bit more shadow and light on the avatar, it will make it stand out.
Looks good! Maybe a face on the character won’t hurt xD
Faces on my GFX aren’t my style, this gives me a bit anonymous chill vibes, most roblox faces don’t
Also, thanks
Maybe if looking for “anonymous” maybe add a mask, then it would indicate that the character is trying to hide it’s identity, because she’s just got her face out. And add eyes onto the mask, so it shows its someone.
Yeah I ment anonymous in feeling and stuff, not the masked group
I meant like a scarf. The group is about hackers btw.
Just saying, would really add to it! But it’s good!
xD I know what anonymous is, the thing is, for my GFX, if they’re not commissions, I use my own main acc, not my dev, but my playing account avatar, but i like to stay anonymous, not revealing much, so that’s why
Ah cool. Love the gfx! Keep it up!
This looks good, what was this made with?
Blender I don’t really like other softwares for this
looks like theres still a bit of noise on it, what engine are you using?
cycles, on 256 samples/px, I don’t know why it’s noised around the hat myself
If you would want, you can dm me on discord: Itz Ivy#8654, so I could tell you
you should try eevee render engine although you can only get it on 2.79+, it doesnt show any grain/noise!