Andraimeide - Developer Portfolio

About Me

My name is Avery, I have been developing and using ROBLOX Studio to host my work for almost 10 years. My first creations were sailing ships, and anyone who works with me or knows me knows that I love them, and I love working on them. I steadily improved my craft using self-teaching methods over the following years until I felt comfortable enough to branch into other fields, such as castles and other types of architecture.

I am the President of the Cłarke Foundation - an organization that intends to be a collection of talented developers who also value 18th century architecture and technology as I do. I am also a member of the Elite Builders of ROBLOXia (EBR), and ranked Master in ROBLOX Architects (RAR)

Examples of my work

Highlight - The Brig Odessa

The Odessa is, as of the time of writing this portfolio, the most detailed 18th Century sailing ship available for viewing on the platform. I spent approximately ~600 hours hand detailing every part of the ship and ensuring complete accuracy to my reference. I started the project on July 7th, 2019 and finished it on June 13th, 2021.

Place Link: [LEGACY] The Brig Odessa - Roblox


Castle Fairfax [WIP]

I originally built Castle Fairfax in 2015 but was unhappy with the quality of the work and decided to stop working on it until I could become proficient enough to properly model it and all assets within. My recreation of my original work is, to put it, absolutely breathtaking

Place Link: Castle Fairfax - Roblox

Introduction Video


Tiger II Heavy Tank

I’ve been interested in German Armour for as long as I can remember, when I first started modeling I always wanted to build a Tiger Tank but I didn’t have the skill set, but over this past year I’ve made that dream a reality. This tank serves as a representation of how much I’ve pushed the boundaries to host something as close to the real thing as possible on ROBLOX.


Contact Information

The best way to get in touch with me is through my twitter account that I use to post what I’m working on ( I most likely will not receive any inquires made to my DevForum account as I rarely use it.


Breathtaking work. Just added you on discord.

Andra is an exceptional builder and modeler and he is adept at his craft. I would definitely suggest hitting him up.


Heimr is an ok modeller i might recommend him… maybe.