Animate LocalScript animations wont change

I am trying to change the idle animation for a game me and my friends are working on by changing the animation ID in the Animate LocalScript. However, when play tested, the animation will not change and will instead continue to be the regular R6 animation, even though the ID was changed.

This also happened with the custom walk animation I was trying to replace the default one with! I had to find a workaround…

Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong? Or possibly, a workaround?

local animNames = { 
	idle = 	{	
				{ id = "", weight = 9 }, -- tried changing the animation, default continues to play in playtest (myanim is there on purpose for this post)
				{ id = "", weight = 1 }

The default Animate script also has a bunch of children of Animation instances, be sure to update the animatoinId of them.

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Figured that out at some point before you replied, lol. Thank you

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