Animate script is not working

Hello, I am currently trying to get my animate script to work for custom animations but it is not working. It used to work but just doesn’t now for some reason, So can anyone help me out?


can you provide the code you’re using?

Its the animate script…

Oh just put the animate script into startercharacterscripts and then edit the run, jump, walk etc. animations to be ur custom ones. Also if u have a walk animation, make sure u pastye the id into the run anim as well for it to work

Thats what I have it in
And also the animations are owned by me

is the game owned by u as well or a group?

The game is owned by me so that wouldn’t matter

did u change the run animation id

Yup, I changed around 3 - 4 animations

that’s rly strange then. What happens when you click play? If its js no animation playing, it’s bc u are testing in studio. It would work in normal roblox then

It has the normal default animations

make sure u change the id of the animation inside of it

Yeah, But the thing is, is that it worked before but now it doesn’t

Fixed it, all I had to do was change animation setting to standard in game settings