What do you want to achieve?
i want to create a system that gets the picked player through math.random() and make him get morphed into the rig selected. the rig is a custom model made in blender and the RigType is R15. -
What is the issue?
when morphed,the local animate script doesn’t work. here’s the code snippet of the morphing process:
-- Name Handling --
MonsterClone.Name = "MonsterMorph"
game.Workspace["Lobby theme"].Playing = false
Sound.Playing = true
-- Make the chosen user the monster clone --
pickedPlayer.Character = MonsterClone
MonsterClone.PrimaryPart = Part
pickedPlayer.Team = game:GetService("Teams"):FindFirstChild("Monster")
-- Move the monster clone to the monster spawn location --
local primaryPart = MonsterClone:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
if primaryPart then
MonsterClone.PrimaryPart = primaryPart
MonsterClone.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
warn("HumanoidRootPart not found in MonsterClone!")
-- Enable camera script --
local camscript = MonsterClone:FindFirstChild("Camera")
if camscript then
camscript.Enabled = true
warn("Camera script not found in MonsterClone")
What solutions have you tried so far?
i’ve checked on developer hub and google but i couldn’t find anything. i’ve tried changing the animate script from the r15 animate script to the r6 animate script,i’ve tried using other rigs to see if it was only a problem with the rig i was trying to morph with,but apparently it’s with all rigs.