Animate your Avatar with your movement

Do you have an estimated launch date for everyone? I have not received the update and am very excited to test


Like with every Roblox update that gets rolled out, there is no specific date when it is out for everyone. It’s just randomly released to each account.


I agree, the UI for the microphone and camera mute stands out from the rest of the UI in terms of visual theming. It sticks out like a sore thumb.


microphone and camera ui looks goofy, plz add on / off button here


Since you took down my last post for being “irrelevant”, ill try and be specific in my critique.

The UI is bad, the icons are stretched and the contrast between colors are unneeded. Voice chat could easily be revised into a push to talk system, and the camera could be a button in the top left next to the pause menu.

  • Please make the UI look how it did before. The new one feels really out of place.
  • I don’t seem to have the setting even though my age is verified 13+.
  • Is this going to be coming to face-tracked VR devices?

Like this?

I see you don’t have camera on there. You have to turn it on in your account privacy settings.


I’m happy to see progress for both developers and for users. Roblox is definitely moving in the right direction.

However, Roblox’s execution of this is poor. I don’t have a problem with the camera animation stuff, and I think it could definitely speed up the long animation process, but the new UI is really poor. Recently, Roblox’s UI has been generally pretty bad and has no personality at all. I get that you’re trying to move into a modern look but it’s really not doing you any favours.
I’m also concerned about privacy regarding Self View. You seem to have no privacy policies for self view, at all…


I imagine me walking around like this the whole time in a game.


Not seeing the option to enable this in settings. I’m ID age verified and have voice chat enabled.


You’ll look like a zombie if were gonna make that face all around plus the mini face cam in the corner makes it look weird without the hat, making you look like you’re missing pieces of your hair. Edit: nvm it was just hat being as blue as the sky.

  • the padding does not align
  • the mic icon looks unusually stretched out
  • the colors dont match any other coregui component
  • honestly nothing matches any other coregui components old or present


this looks horrifying i shall now use it as my pfp thank you





Please just put them in the topbar or in the escape menu. These icons just look ugly and take up way too much of the middle of the screen (which is supposed to be left uncluttered in the first place since that’s where players’ eyes will be 90% of the time). I understand why the microphones were in speech bubbles since they actually represented speech but the camera has zero reason to be here.


I’m not against the animated faces or the camera movement at all, I think its a pretty sweet update, although it seems completely useless. Your guys’ whole goal is for users to express themselves, although when you take away classic faces it takes away from people to express themselves. Although I’m not a huge fan of the new camera and microphone button above our heads, I preferred the old one. It looks clunky, unpolished and its too small. I’d prefer to have just the microphone Icon over our heads while the camera button was in the player menu. I also think you guys should keep the classic faces on sale, it will allow for people to express themselves if they don’t want the animated ones. Roblox shouldn’t be a place solely to communicate with friends or hang out, in reality it’s a game, and 90% of “experiences” are games. And sure there are hangout places and stores, but if you really take a look, in reality they are all games. Instead of focusing on updates no one asked for just to make Roblox feel like an experience and not a game, listen to the community and spend time working on updates they ask for.


I don’t really understand this update.

1. Does it capture all the movement visible on camera, including arms and legs, or only facial animations?
2. Are the animations replicated to other clients (Do other players see your animations)?


Anywhere it is, it will take up wanted space by developers. If they use the topbar (not escape menu), then things like HD Admin, and TopbarPlus will be affected. If it’s only in the escape menu, then you won’t be able to mute yourself as quickly. Putting it in the new chat UI could be nice, but not every game has the chat visible, so…


I want to appreciate the team that did this because this is hard to do and implement.

That being said, I don’t know if this is good or not for this platform. I get we want to progress further but, the metaverse is dead. I wish Roblox was about making and only making games. That’s where it shines.

This whole “live your life in real time virtually” is frankly out of taste and really, really weird.

As a developer, I would love if there was more investment in progression of the game engine so that it could compete with Unity and UE5. Right now, it’s like we’re going backwards.


Agree 100%. Personally, I would also like to have an option that removes the bubble entirely in favor of key binds to toggle mute on and off, or a button to push to talk on PC devices. The bubble in general is a bit intrusive and I have accidentally unmuted myself when I didn’t intend to multiple times already.


The large yellow BETA button already takes up space in that area and is even harder to correct for in TopbarPlus, so replacing that with a topbar button that controls camera & microphone settings would probably be the way to go.


My account is age verified, but I am not being prompted to enable my camera in the privacy settings. Am I missing something?