Animated a magic game idle for my grimoire. What should I add?

I need help to add VFX and maybe re-animate some parts of this animation to make it look better. Any help with VFX, SFX and animation ideas would be much appreciated. Here’s the video I attached of the animation. (I am using Moon animation editor)


Are the hands supposed to be levitating the book?

Otherwise, just one criticism. When the hands ease down at the end of the animation, they really suddenly get up, without any smoothing.


Its just the idle breathe for the hands. Its going to be a first person magic battle game. Ill try to ease out the reset of the animation to make it better. The reason the hands are in such a weird form is because its to show that the user is neither in attack or defensive mode.

may i know what’s primary part of the book?

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talent detected talent detected talent trophy given whee woo whee woo but this is seriously good

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The book is part of the main model. It doesn’t have a primary part itself but all of the components are linked back to the “PageHolder” part which holds the pages and leather. The other visual items are welded to the leather. The primary part for the model is the humanoidrootpart

Thank you. I appreciate the feedback.