Please note that the ragdolling itself is NOT ORIGINAL (The velocity script is the only one made from scratch), I just modified it to work with the code.
This is also my first community resource post, so please give me a bit of feedback on what I should add to/remove from the post.
This resource converts an animated R15 model to a ragdoll during runtime, making it so you can do stuff like this:
The inspiration for this model is from TF2 (due to how backstabs cause you to ragdoll after playing a short animation), and Unity (due to a video on someone making animations seamlessly translate into ragdolls)
Please also note that this module isn’t perfect for seamlessly transitioning the ragdoll due to Roblox’s physics engine and due to my limitation of scripting knowledge.
Please post any bug fixes as I will be using this for my own games as well.
Download here:
ragdollAnimation.rbxm (2.6 KB)
module.BindCharToAnimation(char : Model, track : AnimationTrack)
Whenever track stops playing, the char’s Humanoid will automatically ragdoll with the velocities from the track’s animation.module.Ragdoll(char : Model)
Ragdolls the char’s humanoid forcefully, basically like a default ragdollmodule.UnRagdoll(char : Model)
Will try and unragdoll the char and deletes all of the ragdoll instances, do not use if the char.Humanoid is dead and Humanoid.BreakJointsOnDeath is true as it will error from no motor6D’s being found.