Little animatic I made for Vesteria. I already posted it in the server and decided, why not share it here? Its a pretty quick little animatic so there are obviously some mistakes. I’m not the best at storyboarding so I do not mind criticism FROM people experienced in 2D animation/any sort of storyboarding experience.
(Based off of Vesra and Terul, who basically created Vesteria. These are my concept designs and are not canon to the game).
Your drawing Style is Amazing! im also still in Love with your Dev Forum Animation & you are the reason why i will take my drawing tablet out of the dust to make something Awesome!
Basically in Vesteria you can choose different classes. Some classes praise Vesra for their powers, others Terul, and some just use their own inside powers. This animatic is basically trying to convince the player to pick a side-either Vesra or Terul
Tysm! Glad you like my animations/animatics-I am so glad I can inspire other people to get creative!
He’s just waving his hands around. At 0:15 he is pointing
Ty! This is actually the “full version.” Since that’s really all that was in the audio.