Animating a model moves the wrong part

I’m attempting to animate a model using a Humanoid (I found it to be the best solution for my current case) but when I do attempt to move a part, it moves the wrong one.
Below you can find a gif demonstrating it. I want to move the “Bed” part (the main box), however it moves the CarAttachment part instead.

My Welds and Motor6Ds are also shown in the gif. Nothing in here is anchored. The PrimaryPart of the Model is the CarAttachment.

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From my experience, not having anchored the primary part of the model makes those errors. When you animate anything just make sure that the primary part of the model is anchored during the animating process.


It animates the correct part now, but all parts are unanchored in the game itself, so it still moves the wrong part when the actual animation is played.