Animating a tool stand

In this tool shop, I want it so that when the player’s mouse hovers over one of the axes, the axe will come up off the table and spin around to showcase it. How would this be achieved on the client side? I can’t figure out where to start with it.

You can start by rigging and keyframe animating the axes. Once you done that, you can script them into the game. Camera manipulation is the key part here.

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Oh wow I didn’t know I could rig a tool. I’ll work on that and figure out how to play it when the mouse hovers. Thank you


I have an issue with the rigging. I cannot rotate the entire thing as one piece.
(I put this as a Youtube link since the raw video wouldn’t load)

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You need to group the parts into a model and then set the model’s PrimaryPart to the handle. I use MoonAnimator to animate objects, but it should be the same concept of using the Motor6D to weld them together and animating it.

If you have more issues with the handle animating separately, you can try to use a Motor6D welding plugin to rig it.

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