I’m trying to animate this rig, however if I move the main body, the eyes don’t follow. The eyes are a seperate mesh. When uploading, it created Motor6D’s inside the Body and Eyes, so I thought any movement I make to the body would follow, but apparently not. I tried welding eyes to body too. Still the eyes stay in place.
The eyes are parented to the armature in blender
And is if I move the bones in blender, the eyes stay attached
So why does Roblox make it near impossible to animate custom rigs in Roblox? And what are the requirements to animate in blender? Can I transfer multiple animations over from Blender to Roblox? Would the eyes stay attached?
I would suggest making the eyes into it’s own bone. Inside of ROBLOX use Rig edit (assuming you have it and are animating in ROBLOX instead of blender) and make it it’s on unique joint. For example the joint structure should look like this:
Torso ➤ Head
Eyes ➤ Head
making these joints should make the eyes it’s own separate bone for you to be able to manipulate and animate.
However, I could be wrong. I recently returned to animation after a few months of not laying even a finger on it.
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Make some extra bones go up into the Head for the ears, for the eyes and one for the mouth and parent them in to the neck in Blender. Make sure to check automatic weights. Right now way bones right placed the head mesh is going to distort. The easiest way is to use the dog meta rig in blender.