Animating in blender issue

Im working on a r15 custom character, default animations didnt work so i plan to animaite mine in blender but the limbs where the r15 body needs to be cut off it shows a cut line in animating, do custon characters need to r15 or r6 since the cut offs in the character making animating really hard!

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Sorry, english isn’t my first langage. I didn’t understand what is the issue.
The right leg is cut off in animation ?
Also what kind of animation you want to do ? The basics like run, jump, swim, walk, idle etc… If you want i can help you to import correctly and use the animation in Roblox, it will save time. But default animation with custom I can’t help you, because i have no clue :frowning:

But for the right leg ‘cut off’ can you show me the weight paint ?
Also, can you show me, or telle me if happen in rest mode (or edit mode as you like) :slight_smile:

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