Hello! I am making a game and have a Roblox Rig with six arms (3 on left and 3 on right) and I need to animate each one individually with the Animation Editor. Here is a picture of the rig:
Here is the explorer view:
Use free plugin called RigEdit Lite.
You just need to select model you want to edit and after that open plugin.
After that you need to select part which you need to connect another part like then hold ctrl(contrl) and select part which you want to be connected to first part and then select CreateJoints in plugin.
And it is everything you need if you want more info let me know.
to do it, select the root, then select the part. Click on (in the RigEdit Lite plugin) “Create Joints” then select the part you just jointed to the root and select the other limb and click “Create Joints”