Animating rigs using :MoveTo()

I have a lot of enemies that randomly walk to places. However, I want an animation to play when its walking and staying still. I tried inserting an Animator into the humanoid, what you would normally do. It seems to not work when using MoveTo() at all. (The animation is owned by me)

just do animation:Play()

can i have your current code?

Just add a “Animate” script that you can find in the toolbox named “AnimateSauce” or just copy it from the player while testing. Once that is done, just change the animation values in the script. (not inside of it but its children)

test the game. go into the explorer. go into your character model. find the script named aniamted. copy it. leave testing. paste it into the enemy. inserta server script into the enmy as well. name the server script animate. copy the code from the local script into the server script. put the children of the local script into the server script. Done


The animation was R15, but I was using R6.
Seems silly i know but it was something i completely overlooked

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