Animating the camera?

I tested and its almost what i want, i linked a place on the topic where you can understand more of what i am talking about

Im confused, a viewmodel is all that is posted in the testing place? Could you elaborate?

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the “framework”, is the viewmodel

How is a viewmodel even related to animating the camera? Do you want us to show you how to animate the viewmodel or the camera?

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its a little confusing to understand,
to explain better, go to this place:ICanIsmar Framework - Roblox

press 1 to get a weapon, fire it a couple times, reload, and look at the camera animations

try to think how that is made, you will probabbly get what i mean

Yeah, that is what I did in my post. I made it so that by animating the part you animate your camera…

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Yeah, but for some reason your code is printing “Bad argument #2 (CFrame expected got nil)” in the
line “workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame = workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame * newCamCF:ToObjectSpace(oldCamCF)”

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Most likely because oldcamcf was never defined at the beggining(set it to the cams cf at the start) and that was stopping it every time before it could set oldcamcf
try that

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Sorry for bringing this back up, but seems that it has a problem, the camera seems not to be tilting. I had a part rigged to torso for animating the head movement and use your code to make the camera follow the head’s orientation, here’s a test animation:

However when I run it in game, indeed the animation played, but the camera is “glitchy” and looks like it is attempting to rotate.


local oldCamCF

function UpdateCamera()	
	if char.Torso.HeadCamera.Transform ~= CFnew(  0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1) then
		local newCamCF = char.CamPart.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(char.Torso.CFrame)
		if not oldCamCF then
			cam.CFrame = cam.CFrame * newCamCF:ToObjectSpace(newCamCF)
			cam.CFrame = cam.CFrame * newCamCF:ToObjectSpace(oldCamCF)	
		oldCamCF = newCamCF

runservice:BindToRenderStep("ReloadAnimation",1, function()

Any solutions to it? Thanks.


I also had this problem, seems like the camera does no tilt on the z axis

I think it’s possible to tilt on Z axis, or at least I hope it can, because I found a open source spring module which apply spring physics to the camera and it can set camera’s Z CFrame with the default Camera.

It uses the same approach to apply the CFrame:
I believe that p() is a function that returns an angle value:

local function updatecam()
	local x,y,z
	if cam.recoil.x and cam.recoil.x.p() then
		x = cam.recoil.x.p()
		cam.recoil.x = nil
	if cam.recoil.y and cam.recoil.y.p() then
		y = cam.recoil.y.p()
		cam.recoil.y = nil
	if cam.recoil.z and cam.recoil.z.p() then
		z = cam.recoil.z.p()
		cam.recoil.z = nil
	if x or y or z then
		cam.current.CoordinateFrame = cam.current.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles(x or 0, y or 0, z or 0)
	x,y,z = nil,nil,nil


Let me know if you want the full module to have a look, I hope this works for animating the camera as well…

Edit: There’s one more thing to notice about: This camera spring module overlay the Free Camera (Shift P)'s CFrame too, however the code provided up there will not, I guess this difference explains why Z can’t be tilted? But I still don’t know why they’re different.

I somehow managed to fix it, you have to use ToOrientation() to find out the Z, this might not be the best solution but at least it works for me at the moment.

-- RenderStep

		local newCamCF = char.CamPart.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(char.Torso.CFrame)
		if oldCamCF then
			--cam.CFrame = cam.CFrame * newCamCF:ToObjectSpace(newCamCF)
			local _,_,z = newCamCF:ToOrientation()
			local x,y,_ = newCamCF:ToObjectSpace(oldCamCF):ToEulerAnglesXYZ()
			cam.CFrame = cam.CFrame * CFAngles(x,y, -z)
		oldCamCF = newCamCF

I know that this post it’s old but you only need to use this

local offsetCFrame = Viewmodel.PrimaryPart.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(Viewmodel.FakeCamera.CFrame)

This script only works for rotation, you cannot move the camera
The code made my game much slower until I had to set the cadence of the bullets to 0.02
I need help with this…

What do you mean with CFAngles?

I’m having this issue too. I can find literally no fixes anywhere, and its kind of essential to making my game actually look good.

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Try messaging instead of bumping a 2 year old thread.

He’s just simplified, but the original is CFrame.Angles()

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chronically online


it’s can not edit, can you open it?