I was deciding whether or not to use Moon animator or Bezier curves to animate a disc throw animation and after messing around with Bezier curves I decided to try to give moon animator a try. The only problem it doesn’t play correctly when interrupted by other animations. Given I’m trying to make the disc a projectile and I will prob be using many animations in this sequence that will inevitable interrupt each other it seems like animating is not the choice to go with.
My other choices are to either somehow animate the disc itself instead of animating disc and the rig at the same time or using Bezier Curves. When I tried Bezier curves and tweens last time, I couldn’t achieve a constant rotation to emulate the spinning of the disc that I wanted. I am not very experience with animating either but I am quick learner so Im not closed off to that route either. I know this post is a little vague but if you are aware of which the path I should take to achieve the desired effect please let me know! Thanks
Combat With Animated Disc( Its the Second Action where the character spins and throws the disc it becomes slightly interrupted by another animation and the disc veers to the right unlike the original animation)
What I animated:
I guess my question is how do I go about animating a projectile vfx ability like this?