Animating where the player is looking using timescale?


I’ve been told there’s something like a “timescale” method for doing these sorts of passive character modifications in animations. I’m assuming you can feed a value into a method and your animation will slide between the start and the end to match that value.

I’ve tried looking into this method and found nothing on it.

Does this even exist?
I COULD try manually modifying joints, but perhaps working with the animation basis might make it easier for things like blending animations together more smoothly through the use of weights.

To clarify, I’m trying to get an animation that slides forward/ backward in its timescale depending on values being fed into it.

Got it:
First make the animation, looking down then up.
Simple way to do it is to load the animation in and play it at 0 speed. Once you’ve done that, on renderstep or while true do have the .TimePosition of the animation be reflected by the lookvector of the camera.
animationtrack.TimePosition = camera.CFrame.lookVector.Y/2+0.5

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