This might be a very simple to fix issue, but I haven’t been able to solve it by searching.
I have an animation I want to play with a gear. The animation plays, however the arm that holds the gear isn’t animated. I’m wondering what I should do to make the right arm animated while keeping the gear in hand? The arm is animated when the tool isn’t equipped.
I typically load all of my animations on the client when it comes to tools, since it automatically replicates. The API reference discloses which environment is best for doing so depending on what you are trying to achieve.
hey, i’ve put all the animation loading on the client. the animation works correctly for the client, but replicates incorrectly as it did when I loaded it from the server previously. The arm that holds the gear isn’t animating, as if the priority level wasn’t set to “Action” (which it is).
Initially setting it in the animator should works better than using a script.
A reason of Tool not being animated might because of the difference in Motor6D names, I suppose you connect the tool between RightArm with Tool Handle with Motor6D when animating it?
I think the Motor has to be in exactly the same name such that the animation will recognize and plays it. This happened to me before in another scenario, there’s no tool animation until I change the Motor name.
I’m not 100% certain about this, but at least give it a try, it might not even be related.
I actually didn’t make the animation myself, but the code I’m using is pretty similar to the wiki’s. I can see the animation playing, but the priority level doesn’t seem to be replicating.
The animations work fine locally, but replicate incorrectly? What might be wrong with the animation itself to cause this? I’ll let my animator know.
It’s actually the same problem I had when I was loading the animations from the server lol
The only other thing I can think of is to wrap the animation track in a WaitForChild(). Animations will fail to replicate if they’re played before loading is completed.