Animation anchor thing

So I made an animation for an object, I anchored it so the animation could play but instead of playing it, it stops and doesn’t work. If I unanchor, it goes on the floor and plays the animation. How could I make it so the part stays in the air?
(video of it not being anchored not anchored)
If it’s anchored it’s just in the air. Doesn’t play the animation.

image (my setup)

local hum = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local anim = hum:LoadAnimation(script:FindFirstChildOfClass("Animation"))
anim.Looped = true
anim:Play()  (my script)

Weld the part to the character.

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Did you watch the video? It’s not a character.

Make a part, and weld it to that, I’m pretty sure they don’t need to touch.

You can use the Weld Editor plugin by @Ozzypig

What i’m asking is, how do I make it stay in the air and it still plays the animation?
Not to weld it. (plus I have added more information on the post)

You can’t.

Use Tweens instead. This has been requested before:

I’ll check it out. I’ll mark it as a solution if it’s correct.

you could use an animation controller

Are you sure the Part0/Part1 properties are set properly on the Motor6D? Order matters - Part0 should be in the direction of the rig root.

I haven’t had problems with anchoring a HRP and playing an animation on an anchored rig, unless they were switched.

This weld plugin is very old. The scripts it inserts aren’t up-to-date and Studio’s built-in welding tools that (namely the one that uses WeldConstraint) are likely better for this case.