Animation broken when played

Hello, I’ve been having a problem where the animation is broken when I play it; it’s like the animation is getting cropped out and some parts get removed, and I have no idea how to fix it. It may be because of moon animator, but I don’t know.

Video of the animation in Moon Animator 2.

Video of the animation playing in-game.

I have tried changing priority and changing the keyframes, but nothing. Is it because of AnimationWeightedBlendFix?

Tho when I import the same animation into animation editor, it plays fine, but not when I play it in-game.

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I fixed the issue. The problem was being caused by the Constant easing style or in Moon animator its called None style.

It’s pretty difficult to explain, so I’m going to try to explain it by drawing.

Though I might be completely wrong. I just did some small testing, but this might explain it.

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