Animation comes out weird when played on character

I’m making a horror game and I made a custom walking animation, but when I play the walking animation on the character the animation seems strange.

here’s how it’s supposed to look like:

here’s how it looks like in-game:

I did set the Animation Priority to Action but that did nothing.

Both videos are on private… Can you unprivate them?

Yeah. it’s both private. We cannot help you if your video is private. @fl4mxr1

I have unprivated them now
filler asdhjkbgfkdsf

Animation priority has nothing to do with this. You can try setting it back to movement.

Next, I believe the character’s humanoid’s animator has loaded 2 walking animations (your custom one and Roblox’s default). You should make sure that you only load your custom walking animation. You can tell us how you load your custom walking animation.

I added a custom animate function to the StarterCharacterScripts folder.

Have you made sure only that Animate script is loaded into the character’s model? I think it would be clearer if you can tell us how you play your custom walking animation in detailed and step by step, from getting your animation ID into applying it.

i just stole the original roblox animate script and changed the animation ids

If you’re using the roblox animate script and just changed both walk and run IDs to your ID, that might be the problem.
There is a function in the roblox animate script for mixing walking and running animations, which causes animations to look like that.
You’ll have to remove the function, and do a little rewriting because removing the function also stops the running animation from playing.

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Ok, I’ll look through the script.

nevermind I’m making my own

stuff ashjcxvj

This is not correct, because if you add the ‘Animate’ script to StarterCharacterScripts, it will just overwrite them and it will only be Animated through the new ‘animate’ script.

The reason why this happens is, the Roblox Animator does have a bug, specifically the easing.

The easing direction seems to be broken, because In is Out in the game, and Out is In in the game.

I can highly doubt roblox fix this.

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try changing the animation Weight. and not priority

Read OPs posts.
(Also, I already know this)

Then, Line 489 to Line 502 of the roblox animate script:
(Pay attention to the very first line here, and specifically, the 8th word)

		-- check to see if we need to blend a walk/run animation
		if animName == "walk" then
			local runAnimName = "run"
			local runIdx = rollAnimation(runAnimName)

			runAnimTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animTable[runAnimName][runIdx].anim)
			runAnimTrack.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Core
			if (runAnimKeyframeHandler ~= nil) then
			runAnimKeyframeHandler = runAnimTrack.KeyframeReached:connect(keyFrameReachedFunc)	

I had a weird animation blending issue in my game when I used the same ID for both walking and running, and deleting these lines (and a few more) fixed the problem, but as I said, it removed the running animation entirely.

And also, if I remember correctly, the issue I had with animation blending looked very similar to what OPs issue is.

Don’t only think about yourself, you are not the OP.

Sorry about that if I don’t have enough knowledge, but I personally think walking and running animation is literally the same, but faster. because I’ve tested in my game, and it’s the same.


(This might not be the best solution, but it does fix it)
I had a similar problem in my game, it’s a very simple fix.

The issue here is the blending;

You can fix this simply by adding a boolean attribute in Workspace named RbxLegacyAnimationBlending and turn it on.

This should fix it, let me know if I helped!

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