Animation delayed, what to do?

I have the standard animation “script” in StarterCharacter and the animation is delayed, what should I do?

Oh i see now. Sorry my apologies. Can you show me the script?

Usual behavior for StarterCharacter is to replace any CoreScript with the same name as a custom Script.

My first suggestion would be to check the name of your script. Is it called “Animate”?

My second suggestion would be to check the character in the explorer window and see if it has 2 instances of “Animate”. This is usually the result of adding a script in the incorrect location or by adding it after the character has already loaded.

Is there anything with :Play() in it?

If I recall correctly, “Animate” is supposed to be running in client space. You don’t need to worry about animations replicating, the script will assume control of the Animator.

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copy paste Animate into a local script inside of StarterPlayerScripts

its lagging because its playing on the server