Animation desync between client and server

The water gun does not have a synced animation between the client and server causing a evident desync which means that players are getting confused with why fires are not being extinguished.

See the annotated comparison:

See Motor6D properties:

It could also be to do with a CFrame issue, however I will wait for an engineer to advise on this.

Expected behavior

The expectation in this instance can be seen annotated above in the image, I expect both the client and server to be viewing the same outcome.


Im pretty sure if your inputting anything to the server as a client theres gonna be a delay, your just gonna have to live with it. One example is how movements of the players themselves are delayed from the client to the server.

Could be related:

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Bumping this up, still exists.

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This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database, and we’ll follow up when we have an update!

Thanks for the report!

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