Animation doesn't appear the same in Moon Animation 2 and the Roblox official Animation Editor

Hey fellow devs, I hope you are all doing great today! So, I just started working on an fps game and I am currently implementing idle animations into it, but I got a little problem. You see I use Moon Animator 2 for animating, because I like it more because of all the thing it can do that Animation Editor can’t. Anyways, the animation I made has a problem with one of the parts in it. The left arm is not in the right place when I try it in game and in the Animation Editor. Here are 2 short videos so you can see what I mean (2 because 1 was too big) :

This is in Moon Animator 2 :

This is in Animation Editor :

I don’t know what the problem is, if anyone knows, tell me because it’s really annoying.

Thank you!


Check if the animation or the model is anchored if it doesn’t work it’s because editor animator is different from moon animation 2 it’s better that you animate in moon animation and export it


Yeah this what I have been doing from the start, I finally just decided to transfer my entire game on a new rlbx file


You should probably put this in scripting support, so more people can see this.


How to fix the issue

Hello, my name is Unown_Death and i found out what the issue is. The issue comes from the scale property. More over the group instance. The group instances has a scale property which looks like this:

Scale set to 0.747
This is the issue. The main reason that the animation is acting up… Now how do you fix this. Its so simple.

the difference between these two screenshots is the arrow. The arrow will convert what you currently have to the scale of 1 for that property. This will fix it. I believe its an offset issue. But it should be fixed now.

Once pressed it will change the value to 1 and make that the original scale. The issue actually came from the scale being weird.

Now i can confirm that it works. just the issue was the scale of the group. Once you press the button it should return back to normal.

Here is a before and after:

If you are STILL in-countering an issue the best bet you have is to group the animation thingy(the thing your animating) and then to ungroup the group inside the group. then change the primary part to something and then it should work. If not please comment so i can check more further.

here is a step by step on what to do.

P.S the FPS game looks good so far :+1:

also here is a tip for the view model. in a lot of fps games what they will do is take the gun model, and put it on a “Layer” its not a actual layer like photoshop but its something kinda like it.

The way to kinda get the effect since roblox doesn’t support it (this might change in the future - chances are low tho), is to shrink the view model very small and then to have it very close towards the camera, this is makes the guns actually still keep there shadow from objects and stuff. The only issue tho is the actual shadow casting from it since its kinda just there.

Anyways this is one hell of a wall of text so ima just leave it at this.

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Hey, thank you for answering a 1 year old post. Since It has been posted, I actually found the fix. I must of forgotten to come back to this post and close it. I appreciate the help anyways.

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