local scarything = script.Parent
local humanoid = scarything.Humanoid
local Animation = script.Parent.Animation
local scaryanimation = humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation)
It should work, this should play the animation when scarything touches anything.
You put the animation ID inside the animation correctly?
The animation length is long and not very short because it could have played and finished before your character even loaded into the game because you don’t have any if statements or anything that checks if the NPC touched a specific part or any player since you don’t it will run instantly because the NPC is touching the ground from the start since you put it on the ground?
The animation inside the variable is the same as the name of your animation and the :LoadAnimation() is the same name as the animation variable?
The reason why it’s not working is because there’s simply no Touched event inside Models if you had your output opened you would notice that it would give you an error saying:
Touched is not a valid member of Model
I didn’t notice this because I didn’t actually test it in studio but when you told me that it was not working I got confused about why it was not working and I decided to test it in studio.