local amount =Rewards.strength(player,Stats.strength(player),true)
remotes.TextChange:FireClient(player,amount) -- Sending updated data back to client
local animationTrack= humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(TheFirstAnimation)
am I doing something wrong?
I tried the script with a different animation and it works (right arm still doesn’t moves but other parts do)
Maybe try playing the animation on a local script? I made some animations play trough a local script and everyone sees the animation, I don’t know why btw. I’m a bit new to the forum.
Yep! it worked Thank you. this kind of moments feel weird because well, I Tried to fix it for like Idk 4-5 hours? Readed so much posts and watched many videos. then, some guy teaches you how simple solution is. Thanks again.
I barely know but the general idea is if you need it to overlap another animation (like the idle animation) you need to set its priority higher than the (idle)