Note: I know this topic fits better in #bug-reports but I can’t post there yet
I wish to make an opening and closing animation for this door rig
The rig includes the left door and the right door. The animation was going to be a sliding door animation in which both doors would slide away from each-other
The problem is, when I try to move a door, the door doesn’t move. What is strange is that the GUI on the door does move, leading me to believe that this is a bug. The nature of this issue is also very inconsistent. Sometimes, the door models do move when I drag them, but the animation never plays (or doesn’t play properly), leaving the doors in the position I put them. This isn’t just happening to my door rig either, it happens to another rig in this game.
Please watch the video for full context:
I’ve already tried restarting studio, but I haven’t tried reinstalling yet.
I do have the door models welded to an anchored part so they don’t move but still animate. I don’t thinks that’s the problem though since the little dragon rig doesn’t have any welded parts at all.
I don’t know if this is just a visual bug and it’s fixed in-game or not. Even if it’s fixed in-game, this bug would make it extremely difficult to make more complex animations. Help is appreciated.