Animation Editor Acting Strange [Solved]

Note: I know this topic fits better in #bug-reports but I can’t post there yet

I wish to make an opening and closing animation for this door rig


The rig includes the left door and the right door. The animation was going to be a sliding door animation in which both doors would slide away from each-other

The problem is, when I try to move a door, the door doesn’t move. What is strange is that the GUI on the door does move, leading me to believe that this is a bug. The nature of this issue is also very inconsistent. Sometimes, the door models do move when I drag them, but the animation never plays (or doesn’t play properly), leaving the doors in the position I put them. This isn’t just happening to my door rig either, it happens to another rig in this game.

Please watch the video for full context:

I’ve already tried restarting studio, but I haven’t tried reinstalling yet.

I do have the door models welded to an anchored part so they don’t move but still animate. I don’t thinks that’s the problem though since the little dragon rig doesn’t have any welded parts at all.
I don’t know if this is just a visual bug and it’s fixed in-game or not. Even if it’s fixed in-game, this bug would make it extremely difficult to make more complex animations. Help is appreciated.

Are all the things welded? also try with a normal rig maybe that would theoretically work? Also for doors I recommend not using animations. Use weld.CO


I’m using animation because I’ve heard that tweens can be quite hard on the server. I Unwelded the doors entirely and that fixed the issue, but the dragon rig is still acting weird. I’ll put this as solved for now. Thank you for assistance :+1:


Hmm try rewelding the dragon rig. And I agree that tweens can cause quite lag on the server mainly because of the replication. But with animation is that it can cause time to load.

It turns out that the joint for the leg wasn’t enabled. Also ya, I’ll probably just stick to using tweens now considering the loading times.

Alright glad to help you! Have a nice day!

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