IK for custom character rig in animation editor? This guy had a similar issue but was told that IK does not exist on the animation editor, but clearly, it does for R15 Rigs and anthro. My question is, how can I expand this to custom rigs?
IK comes in handy when animating fairly rarely when animating simpler models like R15. Still, I’m stepping into dozens of joints territory for this War of the Worlds-type-beat mech, so IK would be appropriate for this workflow.
My first thought would be it might have something to do with constraints being configured in a certain way, but that’s only a guess, and I wouldn’t know where to start.
Any help or insight is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Its definitely possible and if I’m not mistaken, it has infact been done before however:
It requires a good knowledge of knowing how to create IK, CFrames, and math. 
Take it as you will, some posts about inverse kinetmatics does already exist here so try searching them up for a shot.
I was referring to IK within roblox’s animation editor, not at runtime.
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Just found out a way to prove this is impossible, and I’m posting this for people’s future reference.
When creating an R15 Rig, you can obviously use the built-in IK feature for the animator.
However, in keeping everything the same except for removing one limb (I removed the foot), the option is no longer there. I then removed the attachment (ankle), and it still doesn’t work, so it has nothing to do with attachments or filling the gaps.
TL:DR, Roblox made the Ik system purely for R15 Rigs. Animating in IK before runtime is not currently possible with their default editor, and I could not find any publicly available animators where this is a feature. It is possible, though, as shown by @3rdhoan123, here: My custom animator editor - Album on Imgur by @ScriptOn.
In the meantime, IK is possible live at runtime. With this module, it’s also possible to stack IK with animations with @dthecoolest 's CCDIKController - Alternate inverse kinematics method for Motor6D rigs.
Thank you for reading,
this issue is so ridiculous. roblox has custom IK that you can set up on custom models that works, but for some reason didn’t extend this functionality that the game already has to be usable in the animation editor
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