I absolutely love the animation editor but it starts to get really bugged out sometimes.
Issues I’ve come across:
- Clicking the buttons to change whether or not a certain motor is included in the animation can cause flat-out crashes to the editor.
- Many, many times motor positions can be permanently displaced (e.g., even upon exiting the animation editor a motor has been moved permanently – this can REALLY break some stuff).
- There appears to be almost no stability for extra motors (I cannot tell you the hell I trudged through to get Khanovich’s bear to work). I’ve just spent a long time trying to use motors for guns for OstrichSized’s character, and I encountered bug #2 which completely ruined all the animations I had made. Flat out. I just feel like non-default motors aren’t supported as well.
- There’s no pagination on the saved animations. This isn’t a huge deal, but it can be frustrating that you’re literally limited to only six to eight animations saved at once in one dummy.
I’d appreciate a little work on multi-motor support. We can make some seriously awesome stuff with that – just look at Khanovich in my game. He rides a freakin’ bear! A BEAAAR! It was too hard, though, to make it. Please provide more support for this kind of stuff, as is right now investing any amount of time is very risky due to permanent problems.
EDIT: I just realized I was out of date, so I updated. If these problems persist, I will mention it.