The new studio animition editor feels clunky in its current state. Here’s a list of a few issues I’ve found:
-It has a nice new UI but it’s frustrating when I want to keep it popped out, and when I drag it around it locks itself into places I don’t want it to be.
-Clicking the space on the edge of black buttons on the bottom left (Step, Rotate/Move, Local Space/World Space) deselects the currently selected part instead of toggling the button, despite that fact that you clicked on the button which is mildly infuriating.
I also get a lot of bugs such as:
-The Interpolation setting not functioning
-Resetting the animation on specific parts doesn’t work (ex. clicking the keyframe for RightUpperArm and then hitting “Reset RightUpperArm” does not reset it)
-K to add keyframe or right clicking and hitting ‘add keyframe’ does not work
-Changing the length of the animation deletes the keyframes that are past that length, instead of scaling the animation down to fit the length. I don’t know if this is the intended behaviour but it’s very inconvenient.
-Selecting any of the help options fails to open a page
-Right clicking on the background clips the popup window inside the animation editor window. Same thing with “Save.” Would be nicer to use if it didn’t do this
-Clicking down to drag the current time, then moving the mouse out of the animation window and unclicking doesn’t end the drag, so if you move your mouse back to the window the current time will still follow your mouse
-Creating a new animation doesn’t give you the asset ID anymore, but updating an animation DOES give you the asset ID.
-This is unrelated to the animation editor, but it would be great to have the option to roll back to previous versions of uploaded animations. Uploading an animation feels like navigating a minefield because with one small lapse of attention or misclick, you could overwrite one of your other animations and lose that animation forever. Of course, you should save your animations locally but this is a lesson learned the hard way for new users. Also, sometimes you forget to save, and the clunky save UI doesn’t help either. You have to be careful at all times with the current system to not lose your work.
All of these things (and more that I’m forgetting) make it feel very clunky and it’s a frustrating experience trying to animate with it. I don’t know how much of this is ‘user error’ or actual bugs. Does anyone else experience these issues?
It would be great if these issues could be ironed out and the editor be made more stable and easy to use, because right now, the editor is very inconsistent and borderline unusable at times.