Animation Editor Major Bugs [Major Solution Found]:

I’m trying to make the most out of the new animation feature to really show what they can do, hopefully get more people into them. Unfortunately the animation editor is quite against this and tries to make this as difficult as it can.

Bugs I’ve found:
-Deleting keyframes is really tricky to line the mouse up properly. Sometimes it will just create a new keyframe, even when you’re trying to delete one, it will make a new one beside it.

-The import feature is basically 99% broken. It will just break the plugin.

-25% of the time, exported animations don’t play correctly at all. You need to remake them in order for them to work.

-(Not a bug but it’d be nice if we could copy and paste frames)

-If import manages to work, it will often add random junk to the import that you didn’t originally have.

So please fix the animation plugin. You guys kept advertising animations as great tools however the plugin is like the “notepad” of animation editing. Bare minimum, low amount of features. It’d be nice if you guys maintained this (or let it be fully working at LEAST) because right now it’s starting to feel like ROBLOX is going to drop support and rely on users to make a new editor (instead of doing this themselves…for their own feature). Nobody really wants to make an editor because they’d need to advertise, market it, and wait for somebody to reupload it claiming to have made it because ROBLOX doesn’t obfuscate plugin code whatsoever.

[size=4]I have figured out that ROBLOX made a mistake. Their dummies in the editor do not have the same armature as the ingame character’s legs. The C0 properties are different, therefore animations made on a dummy’s legs don’t work.[/size]

I’m trying to make animations with leg poses but those aren’t even working any more. Take a look. The legs appear under him in the editor, but ingame I see this:

Did ROBLOX edit the C0 property of legs ingame, and not change it in the editor, resulting in this screwup? So as of this moment animations aren’t really possible to create due to the massive amount of bugs.

Hopefully somebody can confirm this, to make sure it isn’t an issue with my plugin.

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Gah I need CodeWriter to see this.

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I remember making an animation a bit after it’s first release and it worked on the rig, but not my character as well.

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you can copy and paste cframes, Ctrl + click all the points on the keyframe you want to copy/paste, move your the timelime thingy dingy to where you want it and press ctrl + v. You just can’t have anything else in your clipboard.

Seems like the C0/C1 for the head is wrong too. When I make the head face up in the editor, it faces down on the actual character.

Okay. So then they need to fix this considering they’re telling users “animations are great use them”.

Question: What on earth do they use to make animations?

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My guy just ain’t moving. o.e… WHAT?

I seriously don’t get why this hasn’t been fixed.

CodeWriter simply needs to update the dummies to use the currently ROBLOXian skeleton.

Maybe none of the admins have seen it yet. It is a weekend so they might be at home or something relaxing.

One of the reasons as to why I’m still using custom animations is the little issues with ROBLOX’s system like this.


I trust creating CFrame animations from scratch. Plus, it is very rewarding when they look alright!


I trust creating CFrame animations from scratch. Plus, it is very rewarding when they look alright![/quote]

As much as I agree I really want to use their animation system. They basically released it and are letting it rot though. Alan Fackler (blog writer) was interviewing me and I told him I wanted to use those animations in my next game but they were broken. He said he messaged codewriter about it. So I assume CodeWriter knows but hasn’t done anything.