Animation Editor Not Moving Properly

So I’m trying to animate a holding-revolver-animation. I welded the revolver with the upper torso using Motor6D. (The revolver is made up of only one part, the handle.) I opened Roblox’s Animation Editor tool and tried moving the gun and it was going in the oposite direction.

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Is the revolver anchored? If it is, try unanchoring it


yikers bikers!

(this looks like a studio bug, have you tried turning it off and back on again, or possibly even reenstalling studio?)

(does this behavior also happen if you move the rig to a new baseplate?)

did you try rotating it? If that doesn’t work try welding it to an invisible part, and that part has the motor6D instead

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Thanks! :slight_smile:


I didn’t turn off anchor :sweat_smile: When I turned it off it works fine. I tried turning it back on again but the part started having problems moving. Thanks for the reply anyway

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