Animation Editor troubles with custom rig

I’m trying to create a simple first person view model.

Currently, I’m trying to animate it, but I’m unable to do that properly because the rig is acting weirdly in the animation editor and I don’t know how to fix it

This is the “weird” behavior:

I want to have the rig so that it animates like a normal block rig’s torso, head, and arms with a gun attached to the torso

This is the view model hierarchy(the parent of the Motor6D is Part0, the name of it is Part1 [exception to this is “rootHandle,” whose Part0 is HRP and Part1 is “Handle” in the gunComponents folder]):


Is the HumanoidRootPart anchored and every other BasePart unanchored?

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yes, everything is unanchored, they’re held together with Motor6Ds

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And is the ViewModel.Primary part set to the HRP?

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Previously, it was set to CameraBone. I just set it to the HRP, but it’s still the same behavior

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Well normally, the ROOT part (Model.PrimaryPart) is supposed to be the upoer class of Motor6Ds, meaning it should not be connected to any other part. Connections start from the root, not end with it. That being said, when animating, anchor the ROOT, which indeed would be the CameraBone. And set the PrimaryPart to that one.

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Anchoring the root works in the animation editor, but how would the animation play out during the actual game when the CameraBone is not anchored? Also, in the video it shows the arm pivot point being in the middle, how do I move it towards the shoulders of the arm? I tried editing the pivot point, but it only changes outside the editor, not when actually within the animation editor

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late reply but wouldnt you just unanchor it after doing ur viewmodel animation?

I forgot how I got this to work, but when I did get it to work, I ended up switching to a rig w/ a humanoid rather than an AnimationController because I wanted to get the player’s shirt and put it on the rig so it would look like the player was looking at their own arms. So if anyone is reading this and is trying to make their own first person view model, what I’ve stated above is what I suggest doing.

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