I have been running into a huge issue with the animation editor in Roblox Studio, currently I can’t select certain rigs, I need to select one that works then select the one that wasn’t working in order to play animations on that rig. this goes for importing animations and uploading them as well. I can import animations to the “working” rig then select the non working one and it appears to work fine until the editor crashes. When I get that I am unable to import animations from an FBX file or even already uploaded animations. Then after all that it basically breaks my animation editor and I need to close studio. For clarity as well these are R15 Rigged.
Currently I have all beta features turned on. This issue wasn’t happening around 2 weeks ago which leads me to believe it may be a recent studio update.
Expected behavior
2 weeks ago everything was fine, I could select any rig and it would allow me to import, play, upload, and test any animation easily.
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