Animation Engine - Runtime Changes and Fixes

EDIT: Since I can’t read and a reply had to point it out for me, (i was very mad to come home to my project being messed up) I understand that a possible fix for me would be to just set animation priorities, other than that, I have no idea what other problems arise.

I really don’t think anybody cares about how animations work, apparently this is to provide support for 8-axis controllers or whatever, even though I think it works just fine.

If someone wants to do some realistic stuff/anything not possible on ROBLOX they would move to another engine. I don’t think someone would look for stuff like that when working with ROBLOX

Something has happened, AnimationWeightedBlendFix is nowhere to be found and my animations are messed up as if was on. I don’t know how to take it off.


The property was removed, so you need to fix it unfortunately.

I’m in the camp of believing this shouldn’t be pushed until the issue regarding newly uploaded animations and Motor6D manipulation is fixed. Until Roblox can address this, AnimationWeightedBlendFix should remain an option that can be disabled. This negatively impacts a lot of fighting games which use similar systems to have characters turn based on their camera’s orientation/mouse position, or tilt their bodies based on their character’s movement. The fact that it only occurs on newly uploaded animations implies its unintended behavior that has to do with a change in structure with how animation data is written.


Has Roblox even addressed this issue? I haven’t seen any solutions for this problem other than disabling AnimationWeightedBlendFix, which of course has been force-enabled now. It’s very disappointing to see my animations ruined because I am modifying Motor6Ds based on the camera’s direction. I’m not convinced enough testing of this feature was performed to even find these kinds of bugs. C’mon DevRel… give us something please.


This random roblox update literally just broke my whole game moments before we had a large community event. Not even sure what to do to fix our issues with the animations now.


This being removed has broken features of my game as well. Certainly hope it gets addressed.


Anyway to revert this update? It ruined all my animations.


this update broke alot of animations looks very weird, should be reverted


So even after converting to the new system, It’s still never working as intended, Tells me that most of you behind the scenes didn’t actually properly test this feature and held it on stand by for months without fixing any proper issue it had, Good job! :clap:

We Love Roblox!!!111


My experience contains 100+ custom rigs that are made with meshes with alot of animations added into them, & now all of them are acting very stiff & all of my players are confused. :skull:


I second this. Also is it too much to ask for engineers to stop making crap updates like this, it ruins animations.


A truly blood-boiling update rolled out in the name of bug-fixes and improvements to the animation system which has in turn broken animations on a large number of production games.

Phase 3 - TBD
This phase is the removal of the legacy code, at which point all production games will be running on the latest version of the animation engine with all of the improvements and fixes mentioned below.

Please note that there is currently no set date to enable Phase 3 of this release and we will provide the community with ample notice before it happens.

No ample notice, no clear solution to many problems previously mentioned in this thread, and zero communication.

As a developer I am more than willing to make changes to my code to accommodate improvements on Roblox’s end, and have done so many times in the past, but this was done haphazardly without due care or regard, or proper solutions recommended for given problems.

A solid start would be providing the Workspace property again, and re-evaluating the situation, and then providing developers with better long term migration strategies.


Hi Everyone!
Heres a small fix you may implement using option 2 if you wish to continue overriding animations

	for i,PlayingTracks in pairs(CharacterHumanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks()) do

Run the code before playing any animation and it should override any playing animations.
If you handle your animations in a shared function like mine , this should be easy to implement!

That being said , I too agree that this update was rushed and has turned out to be quite awful


Thanks for silently rolling this update out forcefully so all the animations in all of my games look screwed up. What are you people doing? What were you thinking rolling this out? I thought virtually everyone agreed that this update was a horrible idea. Please give us the option back to turn this abhorrent “fix” off, and save me the frustration of going through literally EVERY animation EVER in ALL of my games.


Look at this garbage. Why? Every developer since ever expects the previous behavior, and now you’re just screwing with like a decade of people’s work, FOR WHAT? It’s not worth changing for any reason, even if it is more optimized.


It’s fine to roll out new features and remove very old ones “that no one uses,” but it’s not good to completely remove features that cause a big effect. As a game engine, you should give us a lot of features to get the result we want; removing random features that just break games isn’t a good look.


What a headache!

This broke my skydiving game. My animations look awful.

Maybe your script will help me fix it though, thanks.


Oh no. This is so bad. I really hope this gets adressed. Many of my games’ animations look completely horrific. Communities that rely on animations for their games are so lost.


yeah, no. this update ruined my game. i understand that you consider animations overriding each-other to be “unwanted behaviour”, but please consider that people have been using this behaviour for YEARS without issue. removing it has broken the MAJORITY of games out there, including my own and the ones i play.

i beg of you, please make this fix optional. either that, or add back some way of animation overrides that doesn’t involve reuploading hundreds of animations.


Yep, users had adapted to it. It’s crazy how this “fix” took so long to be implemented and now we have to find workarounds to get overriding animations. I have no clue though.