Animation Fade Time support

I’m trying to make a basic attack animation with a melee weapon. I have made the animations and they appear to be working:
robloxapp-20221123-1326249.wmv (271.0 KB)

The animation priorities are also functioning as expected.

However, when I try to add a fade time to the attack animation, it begins fading to the first keyframe, but immediately stops the animation altogether.

robloxapp-20221123-1332235.wmv (294.4 KB)
(I clicked three times in the video btw, it’s not repeating.)

Does anyone who knows why this is happening? Any replies are appreciated!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but animation fade is supposed to tween from the current pose to the first keyframe of the animation, right?

Make it fade later because it seems to stop a few seconds in.

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How would I make it fade later? I put the fade time right into the :Play() call

I tried slowing down the animation to see what was going on and it appears that the fade is happening as the animation plays.
robloxapp-20221123-1449456.wmv (489.7 KB)

Is this how animation fade is supposed to work?