Animation fails to load on my friend

so i have just started to do animations and i do not fully understand them yet. im trying to make a pickaxe that swings when i click and plays this new animation

the animation plays for me but when my friend clicks it fails to load, it also doesnt work in normal servers only playtest

i have looked at a lot of solutions and none of them have worked/applied to me.

im quite new so it might be might my doing and it most likely is. the animation is in the script if that helps

local Tool = script.Parent
local Animation = script:FindFirstChild("pickanim")
local debouce = false
	if debouce then return end
		debouce = true

    local Character = Tool.Parent
    local Humanoid = Character.Humanoid
    local AnimationTrack = Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Animation)
	debouce = false 

Are you by any chance using a custom character? Animations not replicating is a common issue with custom characters.

im not using custom characters, but i am using r6 if that helps

Is this on your friends game or your game? I believe an animation doesn’t play if the game the animation is playing in isn’t the creator of the animation’s game.

its my game, and is there a way to change this

No unfortunately you can’t change this. But if it’s in your game everybody should be able to see it, is it in a LocalScript or a Script?

i have it in both rn but i tried it both ways and same result

How many animations are in your game? There is a bug that was reported on October 19 2019 that still isn’t fixed that limits the amount of animations allowed on a humanoid to 10.

Actually, the bug was that it can only play 10 animations every 10 seconds. Is the animation being played 10 times in 10 seconds?

it should be 4 max because of the debouce

I’m not to sure but the animations may also count Roblox’s default animations such as walking and jumping. Maybe this isn’t the issue, I’ll try and find something else.

yeah that could be a possiblity, but it might not be most likely

have you found anything? just wondering

Still haven’t found anything on why that it is happening. I’m really not sure.

yeah its quite strange, really.

is it because i own the animation?

Well if you are doing it in a local script that might explain it, as well as maybe the local variables but im pretty sure if it is in a local script then that would be the reason.

its not in a local script, i will go try it again.

Well no the idea is that if it is in a local script that is the only way I would understand it to cause the problem you are having.

ok thanks i will update you after i try it