Animation feedback I guess?

So i’ve been doing some more Idle Animations (because i’m a big fan of doing that) and I landed with this specific Animation. Took me like an hour to make? Still pretty proud of what i’ve managed to do with a burst of motivation. I can never actually remember the specifics, but it’s still fun to me! Spamton neo idle

What do you all think I should do to improve this? I’ve made it for a little project I’ve always wanted to do, a project I think i’ll follow through with until the end of its era.



I mainly took inspiration from this, but I wanted to make it feel… different, y’know? Not some copy and pasted roblox variant.

I’ve also been working on this in the background as some sort of taunt for this character. Hope it’s kinda worth it? (No phone yet though.)
Spamton neo taunt

Inspired by this of course!
its for me


Really smooth! Looks great.



Thank you for the feedback! I promise that this will turn into a [BIG SHOT] of a project! Animating the attacks will not be easy though! D:

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It’s really giving me Deltarune [[Vibes]]. Awesome work!

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Thank you! I do consider this a [Specil Deal] for those who see the [Number 1 Rated Salesman1997] here!


This looks so Cool! You’ll be making a lot of kromer with those animations

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Actually, I am a man of the [Pipis], but thank you for the incredible feedback! I plan to make a LOT more with this! Think of this as the starter for a restaurant menu. The main course is coming though!


It’s okay but there are still some few changes that you could make.

  • First, the arms and legs seem to barely have any overlapping action, or follow through, it just looks like they’re transitioning between their keyframes without any in-betweens or any keyframes after to make the arms and legs follow through, if that makes sense.

I believe you’re trying to say that the arms and legs need some more life attached to them? I can most certainly do that, though easing these keyframes up may be difficult! Humble thanks for the feedback!

No problem, I’ll try and explain what I mean about the legs and arms, in simple terms I guess try and make them feel like their arms are like dead I guess, you when you’re carrying a plastic bag and you try swinging at around, it seems to have some weight when it’s swinging (I’m bad at explaining btw)

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I get it now that you say it like that. Less energy for the arms and legs, got it!

maybe not such a swingy body, or such a weird rotaty head. in some places the leg clips through the torso weirdly, and your animations are linear (but i guess that fits in). and when he puts the phone back he stops swinging? fix that!!

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More swinging for the phone, Got it!

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Spamton neo taunt

Just went ahead and re-improved it slightly. Is this more like it?


This looks good! You deserve all the kromer!


Now’s your chance to make an animation for a [Big Shot]!